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Until - Sting


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Letra de "Until" de Sting

if i caught the world in a bottle and everything was still beneath the moon
without your love would it shine for me
if i was smart as aristotle and understood the rings around the moon
what would it all matter if you love me
here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
with a million dreams to fulfill
and a matter of moments until the dancing ends
here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
not a solitary thing would i fear
except when this moment comes near the dancing's end
if i caught the world in an hourglass
saddled up the moon so we could ride
until the stars grew dim
one day you'll meet a stranger and all the noise is silenced in the room
you'll feel that you're close to some mystery
in the moonlight and everything shatters you feel as if you've known her all your life
the world's oldest lesson in history
here in your arms where the world is impossibly still
with a million dreams to fulfill
and a matter of moments until the dancing ends
here in your arms when everything seems to be clear
and not a solitary thing do i fear
except when this moment comes near the dancing's end
oh if i caught the world in an hourglass
saddled up the moon and we would ride
until the stars grew dim
until the time that time stands still

Nuestra Tecnologia resolvio que la letra tiene afinidad con los siguientes generos

| electronica 3.3% | metal 3.3% | gothic 3.1% | rock alternativo 3.09% | hard rock 2.69% |


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Información: "Until"

1 ¿Quien canta es tema "Until"?

Sting canta este tema

2 ¿De que país es este tema?

Reino Unido es el origen del país del tema

3 ¿A que genero musical pertenece?

El Genero musical al que pertenece es Rock

4 ¿En que año se estreno este tema?

El tema se estreno el año 2001

5 ¿Cuantos minutos dura este tema?

La duración del tema es 3:10 (m:s)

6 ¿En que albúm salio este tema?

El Disco/Album es Kate & Leopold (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

# Genero: Rock

# Pais: Reino Unido

# Visto: Total: 75 | Semana: 0

# Agregado Por: loraly

# Duración: 3:10 (m:s)

# Visto hace: 0 segundos

# Se estreno el año 2001

# Ver biografia de Sting

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Diseño y Programación por: Juan Sossa

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