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Spice Girls

Something Kinda Funny - Spice Girls

Something Kinda Funny

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Letra de "Something Kinda Funny" de Spice Girls

we've got something kinda funny goin' on
we've got something kinda funny goin' on.
wherever you're going high or low
remember to sure enjoy the show
so climb aboard my journey deep inside
better late than dead on time
ooh it's you i know i have got to feed
ooh don't take from me more than you really need

more than you really need

we've got something kinda funny goin' on
we've got something kinda funny goin' on.

happiness is just a state of your mind,
keep searching who knows what you may find,
rules are for fools, and fool's paradise is hard to find,
play my game or get left behind,
it's you i know that i have got to feed,
take from me what you feel that you need,
you feel that you need.

we've got something kinda funny goin' on,
we've got something kinda funny goin' on.

you've got it...
you've got it...
you've got it...

feelin' kinda funny, when i'm with you honey,
feelin' kinda queezy i ain't that easy.
we've got something kinda funny . . .

Nuestra Tecnologia resolvio que la letra tiene afinidad con los siguientes generos

| electronica 3.3% | metal 3.3% | gothic 3.2% | hard rock 3.19% | rock alternativo 3.09% |


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Información: "Something Kinda Funny"

1 ¿Quien canta es tema "Something Kinda Funny"?

Spice Girls canta este tema

2 ¿De que país es este tema?

Reino Unido es el origen del país del tema

3 ¿A que genero musical pertenece?

El Genero musical al que pertenece es Pop

4 ¿En que año se estreno este tema?

El tema se estreno el año 1996

5 ¿Cuantos minutos dura este tema?

La duración del tema es 4:47 (m:s)

6 ¿En que albúm salio este tema?

El Disco/Album es Spice

# Genero: Pop

# Pais: Reino Unido

# Visto: Total: 50 | Semana: 0

# Agregado Por: angel_eru

# Duración: 4:47 (m:s)

# Visto hace: 0 segundos

# Se estreno el año 1996

# Ver biografia de Spice Girls

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Diseño y Programación por: Juan Sossa

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