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Ver Video Musical Guns In The Ghetto


Guns In The Ghetto - Ub40

Guns In The Ghetto

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Letra de "Guns In The Ghetto" de Ub40

daddy don't go out tonight
just stay home till morning light
me and mamma don't feel right
please hold us tight
daddy why did you go to work
when you know just how much we love you so
please come back tomorrow
they're giving out guns in the ghetto
they're saying they will set you free
one day i'll have children of my own
but i'm afraid they won't have me
mamma, is daddy home
why are you crying all alone
grandma's tears have turned to stone
and i'm all alone
mamma isn't daddy back
i'm getting scared and that's a fact
why are we all dressed like that
all in black
repeat chorus
daddy don't go out tonight
please stay home till morning light
me and mamma don't feel right
please hold us tight
daddy why did you go to work
when you know just how much we love you so
please come back tomorrow
repeat chorus
mamma, is daddy home
why are you crying all alone
grandma's tears have turned to stone
and i'm chilled to the bone
mamma isn't daddy back
i'm getting scared and that's a fact
why are we all dressed like that
all in black
repeat chorus four times

Nuestra Tecnologia resolvio que la letra tiene afinidad con los siguientes generos

| reggae 3.26% | electronica 3.1% | hard rock 3.09% | rock alternativo 3.09% | gothic 2.9% |


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Información: "Guns In The Ghetto"

1 ¿Quien canta es tema "Guns In The Ghetto"?

Ub40 canta este tema

2 ¿De que país es este tema?

Reino Unido es el origen del país del tema

3 ¿A que genero musical pertenece?

El Genero musical al que pertenece es reggae

4 ¿En que año se estreno este tema?

El tema se estreno el año 1997

5 ¿Cuantos minutos dura este tema?

La duración del tema es 5:22 (m:s)

6 ¿En que albúm salio este tema?

El Disco/Album es Guns in the Ghetto

# Genero: reggae

# Pais: Reino Unido

# Visto: Total: 46 | Semana: 0

# Agregado Por: espadonkey

# Duración: 5:22 (m:s)

# Visto hace: 0 segundos

# Se estreno el año 1997

# Ver biografia de Ub40

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Diseño y Programación por: Juan Sossa

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