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Ver Video Musical Blast Off

David Guetta

Blast Off - David Guetta

Blast Off

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Letra de "Blast Off" de David Guetta

this is a blast off
it's time to blow this up
so best you run for cover!
we about to self destroy
go all my people with me
and none of us give a fuck
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

this is a blast off
it's time to blow this up
so best you run for cover!
we about to self destroy
go all my people with me
and none of us give a fuck
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

this is a blast off
it's time to blow this up
so best you run for cover!
we about to self destroy
go all my people with me
and none of us give a fuck
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
so put those hands up higher
let's smash this party up

let's smash this party up!

Nuestra Tecnologia resolvio que la letra tiene afinidad con los siguientes generos

| electronica 1.4% | metal 1.1% | rap 1.1% | rock alternativo 1.1% | gothic 1% |


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Información: "Blast Off"

1 ¿Quien canta es tema "Blast Off"?

David Guetta canta este tema

2 ¿De que país es este tema?

Francia es el origen del país del tema

3 ¿A que genero musical pertenece?

El Genero musical al que pertenece es electronica

4 ¿En que año se estreno este tema?

El tema se estreno el año 2014

5 ¿Cuantos minutos dura este tema?

La duración del tema es 0:00 (m:s)

6 ¿En que albúm salio este tema?

El Disco/Album es Listen Again

# Genero: electronica

# Pais: Francia

# Visto: Total: 6 | Semana: 1

# Agregado Por: piojoso

# Duración: 0:00 (m:s)

# Visto hace: 0 segundos

# Se estreno el año 2014

# Ver biografia de David Guetta

Palabras claves


Diseño y Programación por: Juan Sossa

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