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Always There - Ub40

Always There

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Letra de "Always There" de Ub40

i'm running away
i've got to get home
i'm lost in a crowd
but i'm still on my own
i'm looking ahead
so i'm staying behind
i'm not being cruel
i'm just being kind
i close my eyes
it's no surprise
i'm always there
can't count the times
i've tried to hide
and found nowhere
i'm trying to lay low
but i keep getting high
my feet on the ground
got my head in the sky
my eye on the future
that's stuck in the past
i find i can't lose
when i aim to come last
i realise
it's no surprise
that nothing's clear
that black is white
that day is night
and there is here
i'm right on the ball
but i'm missing the mark
i burn in the sun
i'm scared of the dark
got an ivory tower
with a bird's eye view
got plenty of time
but nothing to do
the best disguise
it's no surprise
is disappear
can't count the times
i've tried to hide
and found nowhere
i'm running away
i've got to get home
i'm lost in a crowd
but i'm still on my own
i'm looking ahead
so i'm staying behind
i'm not being cruel
i'm just being kind
i realise
it's no surprise
that nothing's clear
that black is white
that day is night
and there is here
the best disguise
it's no surprise
is disappear
can't count the times
i've tried to hide
and found nowhere
i close my eyes
it's no surprise
i'm always there
can't count the times
i've tried to hide
and found nowhere
i realise
it's no surprise
that nothing's clear
that black is white
that day is night
and there is here
the best disguise
it's no surprise
is disappear
can't count the times
i've tried to hide
and found nowhere

Nuestra Tecnologia resolvio que la letra tiene afinidad con los siguientes generos

| electronica 3.9% | metal 3.9% | rock alternativo 3.79% | gothic 3.7% | hard rock 3.59% |


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Videoclip Always There Clip Always There Cancion Always There Tema Always There Video Always There Musica Always There Video de musica Always There Video musical Always There Song Always There Titulo Always There Nombre Always There Ver Always There Mirar Always There

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Información: "Always There"

1 ¿Quien canta es tema "Always There"?

Ub40 canta este tema

2 ¿De que país es este tema?

Reino Unido es el origen del país del tema

3 ¿A que genero musical pertenece?

El Genero musical al que pertenece es reggae

4 ¿En que año se estreno este tema?

El tema se estreno el año 1997

5 ¿Cuantos minutos dura este tema?

La duración del tema es 3:26 (m:s)

6 ¿En que albúm salio este tema?

El Disco/Album es Guns in the Ghetto

# Genero: reggae

# Pais: Reino Unido

# Visto: Total: 43 | Semana: 0

# Agregado Por: espadonkey

# Duración: 3:26 (m:s)

# Visto hace: 0 segundos

# Se estreno el año 1997

# Ver biografia de Ub40

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Diseño y Programación por: Juan Sossa

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